
We are honored to be featured among some of Pittsburgh’s most innovative companies and leaders as part of WTAE's focus on regional growth.

Chronicle: Only in Pittsburgh showcases the key role this city will play in shaping the world over the next several decades. From the investment of cutting-edge companies to groundbreaking medical advancements, Pittsburgh is poised to lead the charge to future innovation.

Thanks to WTAE, Andrew Stockey, and Ascender for the opportunity to be part of a great story. And congratulations to all of the local businesses who are working hard and seeing success!

You can watch the full feature online by following this link. (Castus is featured at the 26min mark).

Tagged: WTAE, news, noteworthy, feature

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We are honored to be featured among some of Pittsburgh’s most innovative companies and leaders as part of WTAE's focus on regional growth.

Chronicle: Only in Pittsburgh showcases the key role this city will play in shaping the world over the next several decades. From the investment of cutting-edge companies to groundbreaking medical advancements, Pittsburgh is poised to lead the charge to future innovation.

Thanks to WTAE, Andrew Stockey, and Ascender for the opportunity to be part of a great story. And congratulations to all of the local businesses who are working hard and seeing success!

You can watch the full feature online by following this link. (Castus is featured at the 26min mark).

Tagged: WTAE, news, noteworthy, feature
